Thursday, November 4, 2010

Learn SEO the right way – at an affordable price, online and on your schedule

Do you keep hearing about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and realize you need to get up to speed with this whole subject? Here's one complete SEO Workshop that I can recommend. No gimmicks, no “black hat” tricks that will get you banned by Google and other search engines. Just plain old fashioned straight information that keeps it real, speaks your language and will get you the results you are looking for – all under your control without having to pay a fortune in seminar fees. No need to become a code expert either.

Attend weekly classes on-line starting Nov. 22, 2010 and ending March 28, 2011 – a new module each week for 8 weeks. Each new module of learning is supported by online group coaching sessions by your instructor, Tom Petty, President of Bay Area Search Engine Academy. All sessions will be recorded so you may review them later – in case you miss the class. I know Tom personally and can attest to his knowledge and no nonsense approach to SEO.

To check out the Academy website and register for this class now follow this link:

I have been to so many networking meetings in the last year where SEO “Experts” speak about how they can get your website on Page 1 of Google – at a cost of big $$$ - sometimes thousands! I cann't believe too many people are falling for these “black hat” types – Google figures out their tricks in very short order and then the party is over. Bay Area Search Engine Academy teaches legitamate SEO for real people. SEO using organic methods that are Google friendly. Check it out.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Power of One Idea - Copywriting for the Web

Trying to be all things to all people who visit your website isn't possible. One of the major problems a lot of business websites have is that they are too scattered in the information they offer. Too much information is presented. The human brain gets overloaded. Attention spans are going down not up. Don't make us work too hard to find what we are looking for on your site.

Rather than try to sort through layers of information in a hunt for that one specific thing that may be useful to you, it is easier and less annoying to just click off a cluttered site. The exception to this will be a company that has such a strong market demand for their product or service that people are prepared to endure a confusing and cluttered site. This is a rarity – most of us aren't yet in that enviable position. And even if we are or will be, treating customers as if they don't matter won't keep you at the top of the heap for very long.

What is the main purpose of your web site? Make the power of one purpose a priority – avoid getting lured down paths that lead to different destinations than the one you set out to reach. If the main purpose of your site is to give your customers a place to check your list of services and prices, then keep your site primarily dedicated to that mission. If your main purpose is to provide a discussion forum for certain groups, then keep it at that. Want to generate sales leads? Your site will then have a different tone and feel of course.

While copy writing for your site, always keep your ideal customer in mind – exactly who is it that you prefer to deal with and want to attract more of? If most of your current clients/customers are from a particular demographic group, then direct your writing towards that group. Make them feel heard and appreciated. See my previous blogs on this subject for more information. Such a simple idea, and very powerful.

The power of one idea – Compelling and quite rare.

Suzanne Elliott
Writing for the Web
Freelance Copywriter

Monday, June 28, 2010

Avoiding the On-Line Version of Glazed Eyes Syndrome - Writing for the Web - Part II

It's a fact. There is nothing more appealing to us than to know that we matter to others.

When you meet a new person for the first time, do your eyes glaze over and your ears stop hearing them when all they can do is to go on and on about themselves? You want them to hear about you as well – a give and take of conversation. Well, it's exactly the same on-line. If your Home Page isn't focused totally on who your site visitor is, what their concerns and needs are, then they will do the on-line equivalent of the “glazed eyes” which is, to click-off your site and go elsewhere – where they are more appreciated and their concerns heard.

So first up, in order to provide your on-line visitor with an experience that makes them feel heard and appreciated, you need to clearly understand who your visitor is – the whole demographic package. Once you have this crucial piece of information you can use that as the foundation for your writing.

The content of your writing will be totally different if your primary audience is 20 years old, male and going to College verses 45 years old, female and working in a corporate job.

Next time we'll discuss some more about “walking a mile in their shoes” and how that can really make your writing sing.

Sue Elliott
Web Site Content Writer

Friday, June 25, 2010

Writing for Your Website Front Page - It's Not About You

One of the most important things you can do to improve the content of your Front Page is to ask yourself this question. “Does this page address the concerns and needs of my Site visitor?”

If the content of your Front Page is all about your qualifications, experience and education, the answer is “No”.

If the content is all about how great your company is – then the answer is “No”.

If the content is all about how great a consultant you are....well, you get the picture.

You have spent an incredible amount of time, money and energy getting your web site visitors to your site, please don't immediately turn them off with “how great we are” content. This will result in a quick click off. Your visitors have a particular need or problem that they feel your website may address, otherwise they wouldn't be there. There is, of course, a place for how great you and your company are on your website - it just isn't on the Front Page.

Give them what they crave – the answer to what they are seeking.

I'll be blogging on tips for better content writing a couple of times a month. So next time we'll talk some more about giving your site visitors what they crave.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sample of Front Page Re-Fresh of Content for Massage Therapist


For most of us, the answer is a resounding – YES!

More and more research is proving what you already know – that uncontrolled stress is extremely damaging to your long term health.

Regular Therapeutic Massage Therapy IS a drug free, self- nurturing way of keeping stress and anxiety under control.

Get back to Yourself – this is NOT pampering (although it may feel like it)

Self Care IS Health Care – and Keeping Your Stress Under Control is Crucial

Therapeutic Massage = Preventative Care = Wellness
(click here to schedule massage with Aeriol)

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

*Your whole body feels “abuzz” with trapped energy vibes
*You are unable to relax
*Too much multi-tasking has you feeling really crazed
*You feel the need to just....HUG YOUR TEDDY!

These are serious signs that you need to take your self-care much more seriously.

Regular Therapeutic Massage Therapy should be part of your
long term health care plan

The following people should be ultra careful to keep their stress levels under control - with regular massage playing an important role in their self-care:

*Stressed, energetically sensitive people
*High Anxiety People
*Overwhelmed Caretakers of Elderly parents or who have loved ones with illness.
*Moms who don't take time out to recover themselves

Click here to check out our special offer of discounted massage when you sign up for regular sessions with Aeriol.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sometimes the Only Way Forward is to....Take The Leap

I just celebrated one of those big Life Moments with a cup of coffee at my home office desk. Decided I needed to write about it as it is worthy of marking this particular place in time. An examined moment of full consciousness and personal choice. The closing of one avenue of opportunity and the stepping into the next river of the unknown.

I'm now completely finished with a 22 year successful career as a mortgage broker. I have known for some years now that this time was approaching. Circumstances and the state of the financial industry have now brought this career to an end. It feels bittersweet to make the choice to stop doing what one has done so well for so long. But in the end, nothing is forever and the best choice is to stop and go and do something else that will be more meaningful and provide new challenges and enjoyment to my life.

Over the last 3 years I have been re-purposing myself for this next step. Working at studying and gaining experience in my new “next thing”. I am now well on my way in my new career. It feels so wonderful to be able to focus on this one thing instead of splitting myself into ever smaller splinters each day. Straddling the fence is OK for a while – then you just have to commit to one side or the other. Which is what I have done today.

I am one of a vast sea of people who are in this same place – forced there by the changing economy, life transition, loosing a long held job, or just plain feeling that the time is right to take the leap of faith. Remembering that at other similar stages in life, we have all done this at least several times before. We move forward. Believing in our inate optimism to prosper and enjoy the process of the work we chose to define ourselves by each day.

Life itself requires us to honor the need to change and evolve – this is what we are about. I feel new again.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Easiest New Business to Find is Right in Front of You

As Business Owners we are always scouring our brains for ways to attract new business.  If it's something new and sexy it must be the answer - Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo.  A  miriad  of other social or not so social media sites that magically provide us with  instant access to all those people in high places who make the decisions to hire your small business.  I'm not saying that you shouldn't try these tactics, of course you should.  In the end, however, people do business with people they already know and trust.  Where do we find these people?  Our previous satisfied clients data base.  They  are a goldmine of opportunity that often goes completely untapped for the very reason that they are so obvious. 

There is a fine line, in my opinion, between staying in touch with people on a regular basis - maybe once a month - and being downright annoying with too frequent contact that verges on Spam.  I'm sure you all have people who you know who email you constantly about everything.  After a while I get so annoyed that I just put them on my Spam List and thus solve the problem.  Unfortunately, if they did have some message or offer that could possibly interest me, it is now completely lost to me.    See my next post here in a day or two for the way around this problem.........